Wednesday, October 16th * Sukkot Eve
Light Holiday Candles 6:11 PM
Evening Services 7:00 PM
Soup in the Sukkah Dinner 7:00pm
Thursday, October 17 * Sukkot Day 1
Morning Services 10:00AM at 517 Hetzel
Shaking of Lulav & Etrog during
Prayer Service
Followed by Kiddush & Lunch in the Sukkah 1:00 PM
Light Candles after 7:08 PM
Evening Services 7:08 PM
Dinner in Sukkah 7:30pm
Friday, Octobe 18th* Sukkot Day 2
Morning Services
10:00 AM at 517 Hetzel
Shaking of Lulav & Etrog during Prayer Service
Followed by lunch in the Sukkah 1:00 PM
Friday, Oct. 18th
Shabbat dinner in the Sukkah, 7:30pm
Saturday night, Oct. 19th
Havdallah and presentation from soldiers at 8:00pm
Monday, Oct. 21st
Jgrad Pizza in the HUT!
6pm to 8pm
Increase your generosity of Tzedakah (charity) during the Holiday season!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Kiddush Sponsor (Bronze) $180 / Silver $360 / Gold $500
Platinum $1000 / Holiday Sponsor $1800